So I've been working for about a week now. Well almost one working week, four days... Anywho! I really like it. The kids (bah kids I'm hardly older then them, if I am, and yet I still call them kids, I sound like a little old lunch lady, hummm...) are fun. Quite a few have actually gone out of their way to ask me my name and how I'm doing and such. It's nice! And They appreciate me! Well I am giving them food, that might have something to do with it.... Plus with this weird spilt shift that i'm working I have time to study between shifts and actually did that today! Yey Me! I also trained someone today. Did I mention that this was my forth day? Yey me?
I think my favorite scene from today would have to be watching this older couple try to interact with this kid (there I go again!). Well by interact i mean try to start up a conversation and then cut the really ridiculously long line. So this older( by that i mean old) couple walks up with that Just checking kind of walk to see what we were serving. There were prolly close to thirty people in line at the time. Said couple starts talking to the two students waiting at the front of the line. Well the students were nice enough and responded. Then the old man steps right in front of the first student and kinda drags his lady in by him and starts asking for a little of this and a little of that. I being slightly in shock just stare at him. Then look to the annoyed student and give the "are you ok with this look?" because I don't have enough power to tell rotten old man off and was unsure what to do. The students shook his head and shrugged. "Oh well". Nice kid. I gave him double of everything. Suffice to say, I've now become wary of old people in my line..... I do intend to watch for this old man and not feeed him next time, and continue to give the kid extra food.
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