Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Don't Hover!

The higher education system has a problem. People, be they students, tutors, or teachers, have this strange desire to hover. And by hover, I'm not talking hover in the classroom, or in the hall. No, these people like to hover over my right shoulder. I'm not kidding, it's right side ninety percent of the time. I don't know what it is that causes these people to be so attracted to stand over my right shoulder, but they do. It's like I've got something tattooed on my back, that they can all see that reads,

"Please, hover over my right shoulder. I love that, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, and super smart. So please, hover away. Oh! And don't mention this note to me, I'm kind self conscious about it!"

Is that it? Do I have some mysterious sign that no one tells me about???

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Bottom Drawer

The bottom drawer at my desk haunts me. I say my desk, because while my bum is in the chair it mine, otherwise it's just the reference desk, but for a few brief hours, it's mine. It is a normal desk, metal, industrial, solid. Nothing scary, or ominous about it. But it haunts me. At least the bottom drawer does. See, I share my desk with others, a privilege which they pay dearly for. How do they pay this tribute, you ask? Candy. Sweet, sweet candy. They keep this tribute in the bottom drawer. I must simply open the drawer and I smell the sweet smell of chocolate, it's really almost overwhelming. How does this haunt me? Because the tribute is never ending, it's like a black-hole of yummy goodness. If I didn't stop myself, then I would eat it all. Every last bit. So here I sit, hearing it call softly to me, "Eat me! Eat me!" The only way to silence this quiet, begging to be eaten, is to eat it. But here I sit, ignoring the voices as they call to me, haunting me.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Please ignore the world below.

So, I've not even thought to touch this in ages. Had forgotten about it really. But lately I've gotten into reading other peoples blogs more, and remember that once upon a time I had a blog! Upon hunting it down and rereading what I've written before, the only thing that I have to say is, "What on earth was wrong with me, why would anyone want to know about that???" Facebook is for letting the world know updated life stati, not blogs. People want to be entertained by the internet, not read about my days, or tests. The people who get to know that stuff, whether they really want to or not, are my friends on facebook and beyond. So here's to being more entertaining! And now I have that song in my head....